Migraine pain, which can last from hours to days, affects many men and women around the country. This pulsating pain can happen at any time with attacks that cause nausea, sensitivity to light (photophobia), and even sensitivity to sound (phonophobia).
Do I Qualify for Migraine Surgery?
We see patients with or without a referral from your primary care physician or neurologist. Ideal candidates for the treatment of migraines are:
- Patients, who have been diagnosed with migraines by a neurologist
- Patients with sites of nerve compression in their head
- Patients who have experienced failed, substandard medical treatments for the pain and migraine symptoms
- Patients who have had side effects from migraine medications that are unfavorable or the medication is unsustainable long-term
Also, patients with a favorable response to BOTOX®, or local anesthetic injections are generally good candidates for migraine surgery.