Experience a Deeper Level of Rejuvenation

Here at Elite Plastic Surgery in Chandler, we understand that facial aging is a natural and normal part of life. Thanks to its commitment to the most advanced techniques available, however, our surgical team is here to make sure that these facial changes are not permanent ones. The deep plane facelift is a popular surgical procedure that addresses facial aging at the deepest possible level. By lifting and tightening your face’s underlying muscular structure, the surgical team at Elite Plastic Surgery can help you enjoy a more naturally youthful look. You’ll be able to say goodbye to fine lines, smooth over wrinkles, and improve the look of facial tissues that may have started to sag or droop. If you’re interested in learning more about the deep plane facelift and what it can do for you, our team is here to help. Reach out to Elite Plastic Surgery at our Chandler or Phoenix locations and speak with a helpful staff member to set up your initial consultation today.

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Should I Consider a Deep Plane Facelift?

Visiting Elite Plastic Surgery means treating yourself to a truly elevated surgical experience. We’ve taken care to ensure that every step of your journey is designed with your comfort in mind and will start you off with a highly informative consultation. You’ll get to know your surgeon while he gets to know both you and your cosmetic goals before walking you through the various treatment options that might help you show the world your ideal look. You’re likely to be an ideal candidate for the deep plane facelift if you’re interested in addressing facial cosmetic concerns that include the following:

  • Fine lines
  • Moderate wrinkles
  • Jowling
  • “Marionette” lines
  • Loose skin
  • Sagging skin
  • Drooping
  • Nasolabial folds

Your Initial Consultation

Our practice understands that every patient brings with them a unique set of goals and their own personal lifestyle. We aim to craft bespoke treatment plans that take both into consideration, and you’ll work directly with your surgeon to develop one that sees you enjoying your ideal results in a way that works for you. You’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have about the procedure, and your surgeon will explain his technique in detail, giving you a clear idea of what you can expect both during and after the day of your procedure.

Our care team will make sure that you’re provided with a clear set of instructions that help you prepare for the day of your procedure, and you’ll be given detailed aftercare instructions in advance of your surgery, as well. We’ll make sure that you understand the timeline of your recovery, know when you can anticipate your final results, and have everything you need to remain comfortable throughout the experience. Our team will also be available to you at all times, as your peace of mind is our utmost priority.

The Day of Your Surgery

Keeping You Comfortable

Your deep plane facelift will be performed while you are under general anesthesia, so you will be asleep and remain comfortable throughout the procedure. Most deep plane facelifts take between two and three hours to complete. Since the surgery is an outpatient procedure, you’ll be able to return to your home after spending a brief amount of time in our recovery area.

Dr. Torabi’s Technique

The deep plane facelift addresses facial sagging at a deeper layer than the traditional facelift. After carefully making incisions according to your surgical plan, Dr. Torabi will work to carefully lift and reposition your underlying facial musculature. This often involves the release of certain ligaments that will bring your facial muscles into a more youthful position.

Concluding the Surgery

Once your facial muscles have been properly repositioned, Dr. Torabi will be ready to finish your surgery. To do so, he will carefully close your incisions—our surgeons always ensure that incisions are placed in a way that will be as inconspicuous as possible after your recovery process. Once this is complete, you’ll be moved to our recovery area for a brief period of time.

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Where Innovation and Luxury Work for You

Visiting Elite Plastic Surgery at either our Chandler or Phoneix locations makes it easy to understand how we’ve earned the reputation we enjoy. For years, we’ve been offering patients in Chandler and around the world a level of surgical excellence that is simply tough to find everywhere. Led by a trio of board-certified surgeons, our practice offers patients artistic excellence and surgical superiority in equal measure. You’ll find our offices to be as warm and welcoming as they are advanced, and you’ll be cared for by a highly trained staff of experts who will work to ensure your comfort throughout every step of your cosmetic journey.

At Elite Plastic Surgery, we’re a family practice in every sense of the word. We’re founded on the principles of family, and we love forming lasting relationships with our patients, as we believe that cosmetic excellence and physical well-being go hand in hand. When you’re ready to learn more, reach out and set up your initial consultation today.

Your Rest, Recovery, and Results

Most patients spend about two to three weeks resting and recovering after their deep plane facelift. We’ll provide you with everything you need to remain comfortable, as you can expect moderate swelling and discomfort to be present for the first week after your procedure. Most patients notice that their swelling has fully subsided after about four weeks, at which point your final results will begin to become more noticeable. The deep plane facelift is ideal for younger patients who are interested in staving off the facial aging process by addressing it at the deepest possible level. If you’re interested in learning more about this procedure and how it can help you, reach out to Elite Plastic Surgery at our convenient Chandler or Phoenix offices and set up your consultation with a helpful member of our team today.

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