See the World More Clearly with Functional Blepharoplasty

Eyelid surgery is a procedure that offers both functional and cosmetic benefits. This means that, while some patients might be interested in this surgery because it can help enhance and improve their appearance, others might be interested in it because they’ve found that sagging or drooping eyelids have begun to impact their field of vision. If this sounds like your experience, the surgical team at Elite Plastic Surgery will be excited to help you.

Led by a trio of board-certified expert plastic surgeons—brothers Dr. Rozbeh Torabi, Dr. Radbeh  Torabi, and Dr. Ramyar Torabi—our practice is committed to transforming our patients’ lives by elevating their experiences and appearances in equal measure. We’ll help you by correcting your sagging eyelids and restoring your ability to see the world clearly. To get started, reach out to our Phoenix or Chandler locations and set up your consultation today.

Should I Consider Functional Blepharoplasty?

Functional blepharoplasty becomes necessary when your upper eyelid has begun to droop or sag in a way that actively impacts your ability to see clearly and enjoy your fullest possible field of vision. Some patients have noticed that the aging process is impacting their facial tissues. Over time, facial aging can cause your eyelid tissues to become increasingly lax, leading to the type of sagging or drooping that can necessitate functional eyelid surgery.

Some patients visit us to learn more about functional blepharoplasty because their genetic makeup has led to a facial appearance that impacts their normal field of vision. Whatever your particular case may be, a visit to our Phoenix or Chandler offices will enable you to get started with an initial consultation.

During this meeting, you’ll be able to meet with an expert surgeon who will help you decide whether or not this procedure is the ideal choice for you. This will also provide you with an opportunity to ask any questions you might have about how functional eyelid surgery works and the various benefits it can offer you.

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What Is the Surgery Like?

Since your lower eyelids don’t typically have an impact on your field of vision, functional blepharoplasty is usually only performed on the upper eyelids. It’s an outpatient procedure and can frequently be performed without the need for general anesthesia. This makes the initial recovery period much more tolerable.

The procedure is typically completed in about one hour to 90 minutes, depending on the specifics of your personalized treatment plan. During the procedure, Dr. Torabi will wait for the anesthesia to take full effect before carefully making an incision along your eyelid’s natural crease.

This will ensure that any post-procedural scarring will be easily hidden by your face’s natural contours. Any excess skin will be removed and muscles will be tightened, ensuring that your lids are properly positioned and do not limit your field of vision. The incisions will then be meticulously closed

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Your Recovery and Results

Functional blepharoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis, so you’ll be able to return to your home and start the healing process in comfort as soon as the surgery is complete. Bruising and swelling will be present for the first few days, but we’ll make sure that you have everything you need to remain as comfortable as possible while you heal. After about one week, we’ll schedule a visit to our office to remove your sutures. We’ll also ensure that you’re provided with a clear set of aftercare instructions, along with a detailed timeline that explains the recovery process to you. Most patients find that they’re able to return to their normal routines after about 10 to 14 days. If you’d like to learn more about functional blepharoplasty and how it can benefit you, reach out to Elite Plastic Surgery in Phoenix or Chandler and schedule your initial consultation today.

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