How Breast Reconstruction with Tissue Expanders Works

Breast reconstruction with tissue expanders is a phased approach designed to prepare the body for permanent implant placement. Initially, a tissue expander, a balloon-like device, is inserted beneath the skin and chest muscle at the site of the mastectomy.

Over subsequent visits to our clinic, the expander is gradually filled with saline solution, gently stretching the skin and muscle to make room for a future breast implant.

This method allows for a controlled and customizable reconstruction process, enabling our surgeons to finely tune the final breast size according to each patient's unique body shape and aesthetic goals. Once the expansion process is complete and the skin has adequately stretched, the expander is replaced with a permanent implant in a follow-up surgery. This two-stage procedure maximizes the chances of achieving a natural-looking breast shape and feel. If you’d like to learn more about how tissue expanders can benefit you, reach out to Elite Plastic Surgery and schedule your initial consultation with a team member today.

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When to Consider Breast Reconstruction with Tissue Expanders

Breast reconstruction with tissue expanders may be considered by women who have undergone mastectomy due to breast cancer or are at high risk of developing breast cancer. It's also an option for those looking to correct congenital breast malformations or damage from trauma. Ideal candidates are those in good overall health, non-smokers, and with realistic expectations about the outcomes.

Choosing this method of reconstruction allows for gradual tissue expansion, making it a suitable choice for patients who need time to heal post-mastectomy or who prefer a more gradual adjustment to their new breast size. It's particularly beneficial for those who require radiation therapy, as the process can be tailored around treatment schedules.

The Benefits of Breast Reconstruction with Tissue Expanders

Breast reconstruction using tissue expanders offers several significant benefits:

  • Personalized Outcomes: Allows for customized breast volume and shape, closely matching the patient's natural anatomy or desired look.
  • Gradual Expansion: The skin and chest area are gently expanded, making it easier for the body to accommodate the final implant.
  • Improved Aesthetics: Can enhance the overall appearance of the breasts, leading to improved body image and self-esteem.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of patients, including those undergoing additional treatments like radiation therapy.
  • Staged Approach: Gives patients time to decide on their desired breast size and to physically and emotionally adjust throughout the reconstruction process.

Your Breast Reconstruction with Tissue Expanders Surgical Experience

Your journey with Elite Plastic Surgery begins with a comprehensive consultation, where we discuss your medical history, aesthetic goals, and the specifics of the breast reconstruction process. During the surgery, which will be conducted under general anesthesia, our skilled surgeons will place the tissue expander with precision and care. This initial procedure is the first step towards reclaiming your body's profile and will be performed with the utmost respect for your comfort and safety. 

During your consultation, your provider will explain the procedure to you in detail, going over the techniques that will be used to create your ultimate results and answering any questions you might have about the process.

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Recovery After Breast Reconstruction with Tissue Expanders

Recovery varies by individual but typically involves a short hospital stay followed by several weeks of at-home recovery. Initially, you may experience discomfort, swelling, and tightness, which can be managed with prescribed medications. The expansion process is gradual, with saline fills scheduled over several months to allow for gentle stretching of the tissues.

Post-operative care is crucial for a smooth recovery. We’ll provide you with detailed instructions and consistent support throughout the healing process, ensuring you feel informed and comfortable at every stage. Following the final implant surgery, patients can expect to engage in normal activities again, enjoying a restored breast contour and a renewed sense of self.

Rediscover confidence and femininity with breast reconstruction at Elite Plastic Surgery. Our dedicated team is here to support you on this transformative journey.

Contact us to explore how tissue expander reconstruction can help you achieve your desired results.

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