A Safe and Effective Form of Rejuvenation

The team at Elite Plastic Surgery is always working to ensure that we’re able to offer our patients new and effective methods by which we can rejuvenate their looks. As such, we’re pleased to offer facial fat transfer surgery in Phoenix & Chandler, AZ. This procedure creates impressive results by removing unwanted excess fat from another part of the body, at which point it can be injected into the treatment area, where it creates a series of exciting cosmetic benefits.

You’ll be able to restore lost facial volume, smooth over fine lines, alleviate the presence of mild to moderate wrinkles, and generally grant yourself a more rejuvenated glow while also slimming down another part of your body as an added bonus.

If you’d like to learn more about how our facial balancing procedure can help you enjoy a more youthful sense of facial harmony, our team is here to help. Reach out to Elite Plastic Surgery in Chandler and set up your initial consultation with a staff member today.

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How Can Facial Fat Transfer Help Me?

Facial fat transfer is a relatively minimally invasive approach to facial rejuvenation and gives you an opportunity to address some of the most common visible signs of mild to moderate facial aging. As you age, your body slows down its production of collagen and elastin, two compounds that keep your skin looking voluminous and youthful. The facial fat transfer procedure uses your body’s own natural fat to replace this lost facial volume, alleviating a number of cosmetic concerns in the process. Facial concerns that this procedure can address include the following:

  • A hollowed appearance in the cheeks
  • Sagging or drooping beneath the lower eyelids
  • Fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth
  • So-called tear trough lines that form between the eyes and mouth
  • Lines and wrinkles around the temples or forehead

Preparing for Your Facial Balancing Procedure

Getting started on your journey with Elite Plastic Surgery means sitting down with a member of our surgical team for a highly informative consultation. We’ve engineered every aspect of our practice to revolve directly around the comfort and care our patients deserve, and we’ll make sure that you enjoy total peace of mind during every step of your time with us. During your consultation, your surgeon will learn about your goals, along with the details of your health history and personal lifestyle. With this information in mind, he’ll then collaborate with you on the development of your personalized treatment plan.

You’ll get to ask any questions you have about the procedure, explore alternative options (our practice is home to an impressive selection of both surgical and non-surgical treatment modalities that can result in impressive levels of facial rejuvenation), and feel confident that you’ve chosen the procedure that’s ideal for you. We’ll also make sure you have everything you need to prepare for your procedure, along with a detailed set of aftercare instructions and a thorough timeline that explains your recovery process in detail. We’ll also be available to you at all times to answer any questions that may arise.

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Your Facial Fat Transfer Experience

Whether you’re a native of the Chandler area or are visiting our practice from elsewhere in the world, the experience is always the same: Our patients get to enjoy an exciting blend of surgical skill, academic excellence, and artistic inspiration. Your procedure will begin with liposuction, which is used to remove unwanted fat cells from a donor site. As an added bonus, you’ll notice that the donor site (typically an area like the hips, stomach, or abdomen) has been slimmed down by the liposuction process.

The extracted fat will then be purified and prepared for re-injection. Once this is complete, the fat cells will be carefully injected into the treatment area according to a pattern that you’ll develop alongside your surgeon. This will restore lost volume and ensure that you’re able to show the world a truly ideal set of facial contours. Your procedure will be over in about one to two hours, and you’ll enjoy minimal downtime once it’s complete.

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Looking Forward to Your Results

The facial fat transfer procedure is favored by many of our patients due to its ability to create impressive results with minimal downtime. Very small incisions will be made to enable liposuction at the donor site, with extremely minimal scarring that will be very difficult to notice once the incisions have healed. Since the donor fat is carefully injected into the facial treatment area, you won’t have any facial scarring to worry about after the procedure. Most patients find that they’re able to rejoin their normal routines after about a week of rest, during which time any swelling and discomfort should subside. Your final results will become fully visible after about six months once the injected fat has been given proper time to settle and distribute itself.

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Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you’re interested in learning more about facial balancing in Phoenix & Chandler, AZ —or if you’re interested in exploring the various other facial rejuvenation procedures we offer, our team is here to help. In addition to featuring a team of highly trained, board-certified surgical experts, Elite Plastic Surgery is also home to some of the most advanced cosmetic procedures available. At our practice, you’ll be able to choose from a wide range of both surgical and minimally invasive options, as we believe that everyone deserves to both look and feel their absolute best.

Ready to learn more? Reach out to Elite Plastic Surgery and speak with a team member to set up your initial consultation today.

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