If you have found that you’re unhappy with your results or are experiencing complications after a prior breast augmentation procedure, breast implant removal may be an ideal option for you.
Understanding Capsular Contracture and Implant Removal for Implant Sickness
When a breast implant is placed during breast augmentation surgery, your body naturally forms a tissue capsule around it. Capsular contracture refers to a complication that can occur after breast augmentation, causing the tissue capsule to harden. At first, the issue may only be cosmetic in nature. Capsular contracture can become more serious, however, if left untreated.
Additional symptoms can eventually include chest pain, fatigue, hair loss, chills, headaches, chronic pain, body odor, rash, anxiety, sleep disturbance, brain fog, depression, as well as hormonal issues. Many women who received a prior breast augmentation surgery and suffer from these symptoms strongly feel that they are connected to their breast implants.
An En bloc capsulectomy avoids leaving behind anything that may cause systemic conditions, and removing the entire capsule together can prevent the implant from rupturing, making it one of the most effective methods for treating capsular contracture. To learn more about this procedure, schedule your appointment with Elite Plastic Surgery today.