What Are Peptides?

Peptides occur naturally in the body and are present in every living cell. All peptides will have some effect on the cells of the body. Different types of peptides influence different types of cells. In recent years, improvements have been made in the creation of these peptides to increase their half-life, bioavailability, potency, and efficacy. This has created molecules that we can use with the maximum benefits and the least amount of drawbacks. Various Peptides can be used to:

  • Increase sex drive and function in both men and women
  • Assist in weight loss and metabolizing body fat
  • Improve metabolic function
  • Improve metabolic function
  • Treat hormonal imbalance
  • Increase lean muscle mass
  • Improve skin appearance 
  • Reduce wrinkles and  fine lines
  • Increase hair growth
  • Significantly improve wound healing
  • Significantly strengthen the immune system
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Live the Elite Lifestyle

In our office, the care you will get begins with a personalized consultation to create the Elite Lifestyle that you want to live and love. We want you to love yourself and your body. Our patients should have the best outcomes, and we hope to do this by optimizing our patients' weight loss, nutrition, and peptides as needed while also creating the ideal atmosphere for healing with decreased scarring and improved outcomes.

In His Own Words Dr. Torabi’s Journey

I have always struggled with weight, which is a reason I got into this part of Elite Lifestyles. I have done every diet from Atkins, Paleo, Keto, vegetarian, Vegan, time-restricted, HCG, and the list goes on. I have been an athlete all my life and have really abused my body over the years. No matter what I did, I was not able to lose any weight. I took many weight loss pills, from over-the-counter to prescription, but my health continued to go in the wrong direction. I had always been researching longevity and weight loss, so I started my research on peptides.

After my son was born, when I was 41, I continued to gain weight until I was 245 lbs and 5’11” with 24% body fat and 168 lbs of muscle mass. I felt tired all the time and thought I could not be there and play with my son. I needed a change. I started back on hormone therapy with testosterone, but this had never helped me lose weight. It did, however, give me more mental clarity and energy. Then, I started on semaglutide and started to lose weight. Once I had done this, I continued to learn more about peptides and began to get my certification in peptide therapy. I started with CJC 1295/Ipamorelin, and I immediately felt like my sleep had improved dramatically.

I woke up without hitting the snooze button. All the aches and pains from years of abusing my body were gone. My hands and fingers felt better, my neck felt better, and I had more energy. I also noticed further weight loss without losing muscle mass. My mental clarity and focus were much better. I’m also using many other peptides, and the results were above and beyond what I expected.

I am now down to 190 Lbs, 12% body fat, and 158 Lbs of muscle mass. My lab values have all improved, and my biological age score went from 41 to 23.

I feel great, my skin and hair look better, and I constantly get asked by people around me what I am doing, and they also have become my patients. It’s a great feeling when I am able to help patients out in many different ways. I have had patients come off their hypertensive and cholesterol meds and are no longer diabetic or prediabetic. I am not here to just help you live a long life but a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.

How Peptide Therapy Can Help

  • Weight loss
  • Increased energy
  • Deeper sleep
  • Skin elasticity
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle recovery
  • Increase immunity
  • Enhanced sexual performance
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Weight Loss: Semaglutide

Semaglutide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist, meaning that it mimics the action of the human incretin glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), thereby increasing insulin secretion, increasing blood sugar disposal, and improving glycemic control. AOD stands for anti-obesity drug. AOD-9604 was originally developed to be used as an anti-obesity drug and is known to help burn fat and support weight loss. AOD-9604 is a modified fragment of human growth hormone (HGH). AOD-9604 injection therapy can be prescribed to help stimulate the pituitary gland (similarly to HGH and other growth hormones), to boost metabolism, and support weight loss.

Benefits: Supports Weight Loss

AOD-9604 injection therapy helps regulate fat metabolism by stimulating lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) and inhibiting lipogenesis (the transformation of non-fatty foods into body fat). As a result, greater weight loss results are achieved in a shorter period of time, as more calories are burned than with normal dietary restrictions and exercise alone. 

AOD-9604 triggers fat release from obese fat cells more predominantly than lean ones. It mimics the way natural growth hormone regulates fat metabolism with no adverse effects on blood sugar or tissue growth. Studies have shown AOD-9604 to be an extremely powerful and effective fat burner.

About AOD-9604

AOD-9604 is a peptide fragment of human GH. Studies have suggested that AOD-9604 is effective in its ability to stimulate lipolytic (fat-burning) and anti-lipogenic (anti-fat-producing) activity. AOD-9604 does not increase GH levels. It works by mimicking the way natural growth hormone regulates fat metabolism. AOD-9604 injection therapy is ideal for individuals whose main goal is fat loss, as it doesn’t increase hunger or raise cortisol levels like other peptide products such as GHRP (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or GHRH’s) or synthetic GH.

Studies have shown, in addition to its fat loss properties, AOD-9604 processes many other regenerative properties associated with GH, and current trials are underway to show the application of AOD-9604 in osteoarthritis, hypercholesterolemia, and bone and cartilage repair.

AOD 9604 has an excellent safety profile, recently obtaining Human GRAS status in the USA.


Once reconstituted, it must be stored in the refrigerator. Instructions and mixing materials are included with each kit.

Sexual Health: Bremelanotide

Bremelanotide is a peptide used as a treatment for sexual dysfunction in both men and women. In men, it can induce erections and restore erectile function. In women, it can influence subjective arousal and desire.

Benefits: Effective Alternative to Other Therapies

Bremelanotide provides a treatment alternative for individuals who can’t tolerate other treatments well or for men who do not respond to other treatments, such as sildenafil and tadalafil, which can lose their effectiveness over time.

Not Dependant on Sexual Stimulation

Many treatment options, such as sildenafil and tadalafil, require sexual stimulation to be effective, which can cause confidence issues. Bremelanotide will initiate an erection without the need for sexual stimulation.

Effective Alternative for Psychological Ed

Research has shown that synthetic metabotropic peptides can initiate erections in men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction caused by predominantly psychological versus physiologic causes).

About Bremelanotide

Bremelanotide, also known as PT-141, belongs to a newer class of drugs called melanocortins, which work on the brain neurotransmitter dopamine, increasing sexual desire. Bremelanotide activates the hypothalamic and limbic emotional structures in the brain, which naturally flare during sexual arousal. 

Specifically, Bremelanotide works at the pre-optic nucleus, which is essential for blood flow to the penis and vulva. The mechanism of action of Bremelanotide involves helping to activate internal pathways in the brain involved in the body’s normal sexual responses. Bremelanotide has been studied in more than 30 clinical trials with over 2,500 people with positive outcomes for both men and women.

Side Effects

Most often, there is a flushing sensation and temporary abdominal cramping that both dissipate within several minutes. The libido increases two to six hours after injections, with a peak at around 12 hours, and can last for 24 to 36 hours. Combining this with a PDE-5 medication (Viagra, Cialis) may be a successful combination, but should only be done when your medical provider is aware of your condition and medication use. There is a risk for priapism (prolonged erection) with the use of this injection with or without other medications.

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Immune System Support: BPC 157

Ingredients: BPC 157

BPC 157 can be prescribed to help repair damage caused by inflammation, promote gut healing, accelerate wound healing, strengthen and heal tendons, ligaments, and bones, and reduce pain from muscle sprains, tears, and other tissue damage, such as skin burns.

Benefits: Improves Joint Health

BPC 157 promotes healthy tendon and ligament healing by accelerating the growth and spread of fibroblasts, which are cells found in connective tissues that are involved in the creation of collagen.

Mends Muscles & Tendons

BPC 157 has muscle and tendon mending properties, which can help repair sports-related injuries where the tissues need to be rejuvenated or an injury from working out at the gym.

Accelerates Bone Healing

With its well-known fracture and wound healing aspects, BPC 157 injection therapy is known to promote bone repair and improve overall bone health.

Protects Against Intestinal & Gut Damage

BPC 157 can help overcome problems related to short gut (short bowel syndrome, or SBS) and can help repair damaged tissues caused by inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It can also act as an anti-ulcer peptidergic agent and an NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) antidote. NSAIDs can be toxic to the gut, and frequent use can lead to ulcers and irritation of the bowels. BPC 157 is able to counteract symptoms associated with taking aspirin, such as bleeding.

About BPC 157

BPC is a peptide composed of 15 15-chain sequences of amino acids. It is a partial sequence of body-protecting compounds that was discovered in and isolated from human gastric juice. BPC works by accelerating the rate of angiogenic repair. Angiogenesis is a key dynamic process for wound healing that allows the formation of new blood vessels from old ones and is involved in the organization of a microvascular network. It is also strongly associated with the protection of the gastric tract.

For optimum results, BPC 157 is most likely to be effective therapeutically if injected either by intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SUB Q) injection. Most synthetic peptides are not absorbed well by the body if taken orally. However, if gut repair is what we are working on, then this is prescribed as an oral supplement.


Once reconstituted, it must be stored in the refrigerator. Instructions are included with each kit.

Clinical Research

The Promoting effect of Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on tendon healing involves tendon outgrowth, cell survival, and cell migration It is easily dissolved in water and needs no carrier for its application. Experimentally, it was demonstrated to enhance the healing of different wounds, such as gastric ulcers, skin, cornea, muscle, colon-colon anastomosis, colocutaneous fistula, and segmental bone defect. It was also found to accelerate the healing of transected rat Achilles tendon and medial collateral ligament of the knee. Currently it is in clinical trials for treating inflammatory bowel disease.

Anti Aging: Epitalon

Ingredients: Epitalon

Epitalon is known for its powerful life extension and anti-aging properties, by increasing the production of telomerase, which strengthens and lengthens telomeres. Benefits of Epitalon therapy include increased lifespan, increased energy levels, more restful sleep, and disease prevention.

Benefits: Supports Healthy Aging & Longevity

Epitalon helps slow down the aging process and extends longevity by increasing the natural production of telomerase, a natural enzyme that helps cells reproduce telomeres, which are the protective parts of our DNA. This decreases cell death and degeneration, extends cell lifespan, and prevents age-related diseases.

Helps Reduce Stress

Epitalon helps reduce emotional stress and also acts as a powerful antioxidant that eliminates oxygen-free radicals responsible for damaging and killing cells.

Helps Prevent Disease

Through its stimulating action on telomerase production and the pineal gland, Epitalon plays an important role in inhibiting cancerous tumor growth and preventing a wide variety of age-related diseases, such as heart disease and dementia, through its elimination of free radicals.

About Epitalon

Epitalon, also known as Epithalon, is the synthetic version of the polypeptide Epithalamin, which is naturally produced in the pineal gland in the brain. It regulates brain metabolism, increases the sensitivity of the hypothalamus to its natural hormonal influences, normalizes the function of the anterior pituitary, and regulates the levels of gonadotropins and melatonin in the body. It also helps to slow down the aging process by its ability to stimulate the production of the natural antioxidant melatonin from the pineal gland.


This product is lyophilized (freeze-dried) and must be reconstituted (mixed) prior to injection. Once reconstituted, it must be stored in the refrigerator. Instructions and mixing materials are included with each kit.

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Cerebrolysin (synonym FPE 1070) is a nootropic drug that consists of low-molecular peptides that possess neuroprotective and neurotrophic repair properties. The active fragment of Cerebrolysin is made of proteins with very low molecular masses that do not exceed 10.000 daltons. This means they can penetrate the blood-brain (or blood-SCF) barrier and reach neurons directly, making the drug able to show organo-specific combined effects towards the brain. Cerebrolysin has been proven to have neurotrophic action similar to nerve growth factors, which cause peripheral and central neuronal stimulation. It improves efficiency within the brain’s aerobic metabolic processes and improves intracellular peptide synthesis. The neuroprotective properties of this nootropic agent help to shield neurons from lactocidosis to prevent the formation of free radicals and have been studied in Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS, ALS, TBI, and stroke.

Clinical Research

Cerebrolysin (Cere) is a compound with neurotrophic activity. It has been shown to be effective in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in earlier trials. In this multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study, patients were injected intravenously with a placebo or 30mL Cere five days per week for four weeks. 

Effects on cognition and global function were evaluated with the Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale – Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-Cog) and the Clinician interview-based Impression of Change with Caregiver Input scale (CIBIC+) 4, 12, 24 weeks after the beginning of the injections. 192 patients were enrolled, 95 were randomized to placebo, and 97 to Cere. At baseline, there was a significant difference between groups for age, age of onset of dementia, and the number of patients with hallucinations. 

At week 12, there was a significant difference in the CIBIC + (p=0.033) in favor of Cere. The number of CIBIC+ responders (score < 4) was significantly higher (p=0.007), with 68 (76%) in the Cere group and 51 (57%) in the placebo group. Trends were noted in the Disability Assessment in Dementia scale and the Cornell Depression Scale. Adverse events were recorded in 73% of placebo and 64% of Cere patients. The most common adverse events were headaches, dizziness, weight loss, and anxiety. 

Conclusions: Cere treatment was well tolerated and resulted in significant improvements in the global score two months after the end of active treatment.


Dihexa is a peptide variant derived from angiotensin IV, which has been found to potently improve cognitive function in animal models of diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Angiotensin IV is a derivative of the potent vasoconstrictor angiotensin II and has been shown to enhance the acquisition, consolidation, and recall of learning and memory in animal models when administered centrally or peripherally. In an assay of neurotrophic activity, Dihexa was found to be seven orders of magnitude more potent than BDNF. It could possibly help in the repair of the brain and nerves in neurological diseases.

Clinical Research

A subset of angiotensin IV (AngIV)–related molecules are known to possess procognitive/antidementia properties and have been considered as templates for potential therapeutics. However, this potential has not been realized because of two factors: A lack of blood-brain barrier–penetrant analogs and the absence of a validated mechanism of action. 

The pharmacokinetic barrier has recently been overcome with the synthesis of the orally active, blood-brain barrier–permeable analog N-hexanoic-tyrosine-isoleucine-(6) aminohexanoic amide (dihexa). Therefore, the goal of this study was to elucidate the mechanism that underlies dihexa’s procognitive activity. Here, we demonstrate that dihexa binds with high affinity to hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and both dihexa and its parent compound Norleucine 1-AngIV (Nle1- AngIV) induce c-Met phosphorylation in the presence of subthreshold concentrations of HGF and augment HGF- dependent cell scattering. 

Further, dihexa and Nle1-AngIV induce hippocampal spinogenesis and synaptogenesis similar to HGF itself. These actions were inhibited by an HGF antagonist and a short hairpin RNA directed at c-Met. Most importantly, the procognitive/antidementia capacity of orally delivered dihexa was blocked by an HGF antagonist delivered intracerebroventricularly as measured using the Morris water maze task of spatial learning.

Benoist, Caroline C et al. “The procognitive and synaptogenic effects of angiotensin IV-derived peptides are dependent on activation of the hepatocyte growth factor/c-met system.” The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics vol. 351,2 (2014): 390-402.

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DSIP is a well-known neuromodulator and natural somatogenic nonapeptide with many other physiological functions. It is typically found in the brain and easily passes the blood-brain barrier. It is mainly prescribed for the treatment of pain conditions, alcohol and opioid withdrawal, CRH and stress-related symptoms, low testosterone (via stimulation of LH), and even sometimes as an antioxidant and anti-oncogenic protein. It has been discovered and heavily studied for over 40 years, yet the mechanism of action is still complex and not well understood. The results of studies of DSIP and its analogs over a period of 30 years since its discovery enable one to state with confidence that DSIP is a unique member of the family of peptide neuromodulators. It exhibits a pronounced stress-protective action and decreases stress-induced metabolic and functional disorders in human and animal organisms exposed to a variety of stresses. Some of the effects of the peptide are accomplished through the modulating action on central regulatory processes, owing to the systemic antioxidant action and the modulating influence on the activity of GABAergic, glutamatergic, and other neuronal systems. It also works on the expression of early response genes in brain structures and on the activity of biosynthetic and proteolytic processes. DSIP has traditionally been dosed as an IV infusion. However, it can be given subcutaneously as well. Traditional doses have been 100mcg.

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Clinical Research: DSIP-more than a sleep peptide?

In several species, DSIP at low doses has been shown to promote sleep. Although its physiological role remains to be clarified, DSIP illustrates several concepts applicable to other brain peptides. These include the bell-shaped dose-response curve, central effects after peripheral administration, a delayed and prolonged time course, and some penetration of the blood-brain barrier in essentially intact form.

Concepts applicable to one neuropeptide, therefore, appear to be applicable to others. In this article, Abba Kastin and colleagues review the known effects of DSIP and argue that more work needs to be carried out before it can be labeled functionally.

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